University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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Showing 1–30 of 8,758 items
Thumbnail for Annual report for active IDOT wetland mitigation and hydrologic monitoring sites, September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2015
Annual report for active IDOT wetland mitigation and hydrologic monitoring sites, September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2015
Pociask, Geoffrey E.; Benton, Steven E.; Plankell, Eric T.; Carr, Keith W.; Ackerman, Jessica R.; Monson, Jessica L.B.; Long, Colleen M.; Schleich, Katharine L.; Even, Matthew J.

Thumbnail for Factors Influencing Largemouth Bass Recruitment Implications for the Illinois Management and Stocking Program
Factors Influencing Largemouth Bass Recruitment Implications for the Illinois Management and Stocking Program
Diana, Matthew J.; Nannini, Michael A.; DeBoom, Corey S.; Mulhollem, Joshua J.; Philipp, David P.; Wahl, David H.

Thumbnail for Spherical ray-tracing
Spherical ray-tracing
Hannasch, David Alexander Von

Thumbnail for Supranational Law and Compliance
Supranational Law and Compliance
Reynolds, Evangeline Mae

Thumbnail for Factors influencing largemouth bass recruitment: implications for the Illinois management and stocking program
Factors influencing largemouth bass recruitment: implications for the Illinois management and stocking program
Diana, Matthew J.; Nannini, Michael A.; Pope, Aloah J.; Van Landeghem, Matthew M.; DeBoom, Corey S.; Stein, Jeffrey A.; Einfalt, Lisa M.; Philipp, David P.; Epifanio, John M.; Wahl, David H.

Thumbnail for Factors Influencing Largemouth Bass Recruitment: Implications for the Illinois Management and Stocking Program Annual Progress Report July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
Factors Influencing Largemouth Bass Recruitment: Implications for the Illinois Management and Stocking Program Annual Progress Report July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
Diana, Matthew J.; Nannini, Michael J.; Pope, Aloah J.; DeBoom, Corey S.; Mulhollem, Joshua; Philipp, David P.; Wahl, David H.

Thumbnail for Matthew Arnold and the Romantics
Matthew Arnold and the Romantics
Gottfried, Leon Albert