Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s)
- Joint Services Electronics Program / N00014-91-J-1283
- Joint Services Electronics Program / N00014-96-0129
- Joint Services Electronics Program / N00014-96-1-0129
- Joint Services Electronics Program / N00014-J-1270
- Joint Services Electronics Program, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, and Office of Naval Research; NASA NAG 1-613 and N00014-90-J-1270
- Joint Services Electronics Program / NSF MCS 76-17321 and DAAB-07-72-C-0259
- Joint Services Electronics Program, Office of Naval Research, and NASA (N00014-90-J-1270, NASA NAG 1-613)
- Joint Services Electronics Program, Office of Naval Research, and Semiconductor Research Corp. / N00014-90-J-1270 and 92-DP-109
- Joint Services Electronics Program; Office of Naval Research / N00014-79-C-0424; N00014-76-C-0806
- Joint Services Electronics Program & Office of Naval Research / N00014-84-C-0149
- Joint Services Electronics Program, Office of Naval Research / N00014-84-C-0149
- Joint Services Electronics Programs / DA 28 043 AMC 00073( E )
- Joint Services Electronics Programs / DA 28 043 AMC 00073(E)
- Joint Services Electronics Programs / N00014-90-J-1270
- Joint Services Electronics Program & SRC / N00014-90-J-1270 & 88-DP-109
- Joint Services Electronics Program through U.S. Army Electronics Command / DAAB-07-67-C-0199
- Joint Services Electronics Program / U.S. Navy N00014-79-C-0424
- Journal of Library Outreach and Engagement, vol. 2, issue 1
- JPL #952383
- JSEP (Joint Services Electronics Program) / N00014-84-C-0149
- JSEP / N00014-84-C-0149
- JSEP / N00014-90-J-1270
- Kane County, Illinois, Water Resources Department, Contract No: 02-279
- Kane County Water Resources Department, Contract No. 02-279
- Kukolich, S. G. Communications: Evidence for Proton Tunneling from the Microwave Spectrum of the Formic Acid-Propiolic Acid Dimer. J. Chem. Phys. 132, 2010, 201101/1. \linebreak \\ Supported by the NSF CHE-1057796
- LAS Preble Research Grant fall 2015
- League of Women Voters of Jo Daviess County; Illinois State Geological Survey; Illinois State Water Survey; Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (Hazardous Waste Research Fund);. Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ; 074483-15907); National Science Foundation (CAREER 1553835).
- LG- 06-07-0020-07
- Library of Congress, award number A6075
- Library of Congress / NDIIPP-2 A6075
- Library of Congress, UIeRA#2008-01111-00-00
- Library of Congress, UIeRA#2008-01111-00-01
- Library Services (LG-06-07-0032-07) and National Science Foundation (OCI-0830976).
- llinois Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife U.S. Fish & Wildlife ServiceFederal Aid in Wildlife Restoration W-112-R-27
- Lockheed Martin 2009-00524
- Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Contract LANL 6911J00149G
- Mandated by the Illinois General Assembly through HB 1356; PA 86-1026; Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 111 1/2, sec. 7057.1 (Illinois Solid Waste Management Act, 1989, Sec. 7.1 and 7.2)
- MARCO Gigascale Systems Research Center / C8559_SA4241-79952_UC-Berkeley
- Mellon Reference Number 21300666
- MEXT Inoovative Nuclear Research and Development Program Grant Number JPMXD0222682583
- MGH 217183
- Microelectronics Advanced Research Corporation (MARCO) / 2013-MA-2385
- Midwest Victorian Studies Association. Meeting (2007)
- Mining research contract report by Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (contract J0256002)
- Monsanto Chemical Co Plastic Division Springfield Mass 62/05
- Morris Animal Foundation; Illinois Natural History Survey; The Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Project W-146-R; The University of Illinois Extension; Robert Allerton Park.
- Motorola Corporate Communication Research Laboratories / Motorola Center for Communication C8785
- MSM 85 09126 94/08; DMS 89 11767 94/08; RII 86 10671 94/08; EHR 91 08764 94/08
- MSS 91 14360 93/11
- MSS 91 14360 94/06