Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s)
- Army Research Office / DAAG-29-80-C-0011
- Army Research Office / DAAG29-81-K-0062
- Army Research Office / DAAG29-81-K-0064
- Army Research Office-Durham / DAAG-29-76-G-0154
- Army Research Office - Durham / DAHC 04-72-C-0001
- Army Research Office, Durham, North Carolina 76/01 DAHC 04 74 G 0050 76/01
- Army Research Office, Durham, North Carolina DAHC 04 74 G 0050 76/12
- Army Research Office, USA under the Grant Number W911NF-20-1-0250
- Army Research Office / W-911-NF-0710287
- Army Research Office #W911NF-18-1-0100
- Army Rock Island Arsenal 58/08
- Army Rock Island Arsenal 59/10
- Army Rock Island Arsenal 62/07
- Army Rock Island Arsenal 62/08
- Army W9132T-06-02
- Army W9132T-06-2
- ARO MURI W911NF-06-1-0076
- ARO MURI W911NF-08- 1-0233 and NSF grant CNS-0963807
- ARPA / DAAH04-94-G0273
- ARPA / DAAH04-94-G-0273
- ARPA / DABT63-95-C-0069
- ASHRAE TC1.3; Project 1207-TRP
- Assignment 5
- Association of American Railroads 54/12; Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute 54/12; Portland Cement Association 54/12; Reinforced Concrete Research Council 54/12
- Association of American Railroads 55/05; American Iron & Steel Institute 55/05
- Association of American Railroads 55/08; Portland Cement Association 55/08; Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute 55/08; Reinforced Concrete Research Council
- Association of American Railroads 57/08
- Association of American Railroads 57/11; American Iron & Steel Institute 57/11
- Association of American Railroads 61/10
- Association of American Railroads 62/10
- Association of Iron and Steel Engineers 65/03
- Atomic Energy Comm 59/01
- Atomic Energy Commission, Contract No. AT (11-1)-1046
- Atomic Energy Commission, Contract No. AT (11-1)-67, Project 20
- Atomic Energy Commission, Digital Computer Laboratory / AT(11-1)-2118
- AT&T Metropolitan Networks / 1-5-13411
- Avionics Laboratory, U.S. Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base / AF F33615-73-C-1238
- Avionics Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base / AF F33615-73-C-1238
- B341494
- Babcock and Wilcox Research Center 65/09
- Becas Chile Scholarship No. 72140204
- \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0pt} \includegraphics[scale=0.22]{tropfa.eps} \end{wrapfigure} The microwave spectrum was measured for the tropolone-formic acid doubly hydrogen bonded dimer using a pulsed-beam Fourier transform microwave spectrometer in order to search for the concerted double proton tunneling motion. The tunneling motion was expected for the dimer, as the transition state of this motion exhibits C$_2$$_V$ symmetry, which has been thought to be a requirement to observe the concerted double proton tunneling. The tunneling motion was not observed for this dimer, as the transitions measured did not show observable splittings into doublets. The barrier height calculated of the dimer using B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ was about 15000 cm$^-$$^1$, significantly larger than the value determined for the propiolic acid-formic acid dimer (3800 cm$^-$$^1$),$^a$ which showed the tunneling motion. The estimated separation of the minima in the potential energy surface is estimated to be very similar to that of propiolic acid-formic acid (about 0.8 \AA),$^a$ so the large barrier height may be why the tunneling process was not observed. \linebreak \\ $^a$Daly, A. M.
- \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0pt} \includegraphics[scale=0.26]{malfa.eps} \end{wrapfigure} The microwave spectra were measured for the maleimide monomer and the maleimide-formic acid doubly hydrogen bonded dimer using a pulsed-beam Fourier transform microwave spectrometer. Many previously studied doubly hydrogen bonded dimers are formed between oxygen containing species, so it is important to also characterize and study other dimers containing nitrogen, as hydrogen bonding interactions with nitrogen are found in biological systems such as in DNA. The transition state of the dimer does not exhibit C$_2$$_V$ symmetry, so the tunneling motion was not expected to be observed based on the symmetry, but it would be very important to also observe the tunneling process for an asymmetric dimer. Single-line b-type transitions were observed, so the tunneling motion was not observed in our microwave spectra. The hydrogen bond lengths were determined using a nonlinear least squares fitting program. \linebreak \\ Supported by the NSF CHE-1057796
- Boeing/C8088
- Bureau of Mines 81/06 J 0100011 81/06
- Bureau of Naval Weapons, Contract Now 64-0178-d
- Bureau of Ordnance, Department of the Navy, Contract No. N Ord-16417
- Bureau of public roads Department of Commerce Contract No. CPR-11-4204
- Bureau of Ships 57/10; Welding Research Council Pressure Vessel Research Comm 57/10
- Bureau of Ships, Department of Navy, Contract No. NOBS 72069