Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s)
- CCF-0905584
- CCF-0916893
- Center for Composite Materials Research Grant ONR N00014-86-K-0799
- Center is supported by the National Institute of Education. US-NIE-C-400-76-0116
- Center of Advanced Materials for the Purification of Water with Systems, a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center, under Award CTS-0120978
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Cooperative Agreement #U01 CK000505)
- Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (MC/2014/002)
- Changed Richard C. to Richard Chase to match other item deposits. Metadata cleaned/updated by kappleg@illinois.edu 2015-5-13.
- Chicago Wilderness Grant/Contract No: AG ICF FS0505 (A5577, 492490)
- China Scholarship Council/2011602110
- CMS 95-22661
- CMS 95-22661; LG-3057
- CMS 98-12820; INT 95-11686
- CNS-0720512
- CNS 08-34709
- CNS 09-64081
- CNS 10-12194
- CNS-1035736
- CNS-1219064
- CNS-1302563
- CNS-1302563; CNS-1219064; ONR N00014-12-1-0046; Lockheed Martin 2009-00524; Rockwell Collins RPS#645038
- Committee 15, American Railway Engineering Association
- Conducted under grants MH 32884 and MH 33408 from the National Institute of Mental Health to the first author, and National Institute of Education contract HEW-NIE-C-400-76-0116 to the Center for the Study of Reading
- Conselleria de C.E.y C. de la Comunidad Autonoma Valenciana / Grant 87/1617
- Contract 1-5-39018 STILENR-HW86005-018
- Contract AF 29(601)-2372
- Contract AF 29(601)-2591
- Contract AF 29(601)-464
- Contract AF 29(601)-468
- Contract AF 33(600)-24994
- Contract AF33(600)-24994
- Contract AF 33(600)-31319
- Contract AF 33(616)-170
- Contract AF33(616)-170
- Contract AF33(616)-3220 Project No. 6(7-4600) Task 40572. Sponsored by Wright Air Development Center
- Contract AF33(616)-3220 Project No. 6(7-4600) Task 40572 Wright Air Development Center.
- Contract AF33(616)-3780
- Contract AF33(616)-6079 Project No. 9-(13-6278) Task 40572
- Contract AF33 (616)-6079, Project no. 9-(13-6278) Task 40572. Sponsored by Wright Air Development Center
- Contract AF33(616)-6079 Project No. 9-(13-6278) Task 40572. Sponsored by: Wright Air Development Center
- Contract AF33(657)-8460 Project No. 6278, Task No. 40572
- Contract AF (600)-31319
- Contract AT(11-1)-1018, AT(11-1)-2118, (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission)
- Contract DA-017-CIVENG-57-2
- Contract DA-11-022-ORD-174
- Contract DA-11-022-ORD-174, TB3-0538
- Contract DA-11-022-ORD-721
- Contract DA-11-022-ORD-721, TB. 3-0538
- Contract DA-28-043-AMC-00073(E)
- Contract DA-33-017-CIVENG-57-27