University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Academic Unit
Type of Resource
Showing 1141–1170 of 1,693 items
Thumbnail for Quaternary deposits and history of the ancient Mississippi River Valley, north-central Illinois
Quaternary deposits and history of the ancient Mississippi River Valley, north-central Illinois
McKay, E. Donald, III; Berg, Richard C.; Hansel, Ardith K.; Kemmis, Timothy J.; Stumpf, Andrew J.

Thumbnail for High school mathematics / 3
High school mathematics / 3
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Committee on School Mathematics; Beberman, Max; Vaughan, Herbert E.

Thumbnail for High school mathematics / 3
High school mathematics / 3
Submitter: Howard Ding

Thumbnail for Petroleum industry in Illinois in 1956.
Petroleum industry in Illinois in 1956.
Bell, Alfred Hannam; Kline, Virginia Harriet; Pierre, Donald A.

Thumbnail for Mississippian border of eastern interior basin
Mississippian border of eastern interior basin
Weller, James Marvin; Sutton, Arle H.

Thumbnail for Webern's Strongest Readers
Webern's Strongest Readers
Bowlby, Timothy John