University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Academic Unit
Type of Resource
Showing 61–90 of 12,239 items
Library Trends 44 (3) Winter 1996: Perspectives on Quality in Libraries
Library Trends 44 (3) Winter 1996: Perspectives on Quality in Libraries. Edited by Thomas W. Shaughnessy.
1981: New Information Technologies - New Opportunities
18th Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing (1981). Edited by Linda C. Smith.
1969: Serial Publications in Large Libraries
Allerton Park Institute Proceedings (no. 16, 1969); Edited by Walter C. Allen
1975: Major classification systems : the Dewey Centennial
21st Allerton Park Institute (1975); Edited by Kathryn Luther Henderson
1991: Networks, open access, and virtual libraries : implications for the research library
28th Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing (1991). Edited by Brett Sutton and Charles H. Davis.
Thumbnail for Commencement program. 1946-1951
Commencement program. 1946-1951
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Thumbnail for Commencement program. 1952-56
Commencement program. 1952-56
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Thumbnail for The Learned Doctor Ames
The Learned Doctor Ames
Sprunger, Keith Laverne