University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Academic Unit
Type of Resource
Showing 1411–1440 of 1,447 items
Thumbnail for Transactions of the Board of Trustees [electronic resource] / 2004-06
Transactions of the Board of Trustees [electronic resource] / 2004-06
University of Illinois (System). Board of Trustees

Thumbnail for Catalog of Devonian and deeper tests in southern Illinois
Catalog of Devonian and deeper tests in southern Illinois
Stevenson, D.L.; Keys, John N.; Cluff, Robert M.

Thumbnail for Kinkaid area assessment
Kinkaid area assessment
Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Office of Scientific Research and Analysis

Thumbnail for Sugar-Pecatonica area assessment
Sugar-Pecatonica area assessment
Submitter: Steven Mccauley

Thumbnail for The Spanish of Corpus Christi, Texas
The Spanish of Corpus Christi, Texas
Marrocco, Mary Anne Wilkinson

Thumbnail for NHE nos. 1-154 (1958-1983)
NHE nos. 1-154 (1958-1983)
Submitter: Eli Hubbard

Thumbnail for Big Rivers area assessment
Big Rivers area assessment
Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Office of Scientific Research and Analysis; Illinois Department of Natural Resources. State Geological Survey Division

Thumbnail for Problems in Jita tonology
Problems in Jita tonology
Downing, Laura Jo

Thumbnail for Shawnee area assessment
Shawnee area assessment
Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Office of Scientific Research and Analysis; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Illinois State Water Survey

Thumbnail for The selected papers of Jane Addams, volume II: Venturing into usefulness 1881-88
The selected papers of Jane Addams, volume II: Venturing into usefulness 1881-88
Bryan, Mary Lynn McCree; Bair, Barbara; de Angury, Maree

Thumbnail for La Moine River area assessment
La Moine River area assessment
Submitter: Steven Mccauley

Thumbnail for Illinois Research. [vol.1-vol.5]
Illinois Research. [vol.1-vol.5]
Submitter: Howard Ding