University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Academic Unit
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Showing 1141–1170 of 2,206 items
Thumbnail for Raindrop Distributions at Bogor, Indonesia
Raindrop Distributions at Bogor, Indonesia
Mueller, Eugene A.; Sims, Arthur L.

Thumbnail for Raindrop Distributions at Corvallis, Oregon
Raindrop Distributions at Corvallis, Oregon
Mueller, Eugene A.; Sims, Arthur L.

Thumbnail for Rationale and Role of Regional Climate Centers in the United States
Rationale and Role of Regional Climate Centers in the United States
Wendland, Wayne M.; Changnon, Stanley A., Jr.; Vogel, John L.

Thumbnail for Raindrop Distributions at Island Beach, New Jersey
Raindrop Distributions at Island Beach, New Jersey
Mueller, Eugene A.; Sims, Arthur L.

Thumbnail for The 1989 Precipitation Augmentation for Crops Experiment (PACE) Data Book
The 1989 Precipitation Augmentation for Crops Experiment (PACE) Data Book
Czys, Robert R.; Changnon, Stanley A.; Petersen, Mary Schoen; Westcott, Nancy E.; Scot, Robert W.

Thumbnail for Sedimentation in the Cache River Wetlands : Comparison of Two Methods.
Sedimentation in the Cache River Wetlands : Comparison of Two Methods.
Demissie, Misganaw; Fitzpatrick, William P.; Cahill, Richard A.

Thumbnail for Local Climatological Data Summary: Wheaton, Illinois, 1936-1996
Local Climatological Data Summary: Wheaton, Illinois, 1936-1996
Haddock, Gerald H.; Bryan, Audrey A.; Wendland, Wayne

Thumbnail for Raindrop Distributions at Woody Island, Alaska
Raindrop Distributions at Woody Island, Alaska
Mueller, Eugene A.; Sims, Arthur L.

Thumbnail for The State of Illinois Response to the 1988-1990 Drought
The State of Illinois Response to the 1988-1990 Drought
Brim, James R.; Byrd, Richard; Clark, Gary; Selburg, Roger; Semonin, Richard G.; Smith, David L.; Tichacek, Gregg; Vonnahme, Donald R.