University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Academic Unit
Type of Resource
Showing 1381–1410 of 1,992 items
Thumbnail for A Preliminary Environmental Assessment of the Contamination Associated with Lake Calumet, Cook County, Illinois
A Preliminary Environmental Assessment of the Contamination Associated with Lake Calumet, Cook County, Illinois
Ross, Philippe E.; Henebry, Michael S.; Risatti, James B.; Murphy, Thomas J.; Demissie, Misganaw; Burnett, LouAnn C.

Thumbnail for Towards a Trustworthy Semantics-Based Language Framework via Proof Generation
Towards a Trustworthy Semantics-Based Language Framework via Proof Generation
Xiaohong Chen; Zhengyao Lin; Minh-Thai Trinh; Grigore Rosu

Thumbnail for Field Guide to Silkmoths of Illinois
Field Guide to Silkmoths of Illinois
Bouseman, John K.; Sternburg, James G.

Thumbnail for Level II Hydrogeologic Characterization Report: Boyd Creek Proposed Wetland Mitigation Bank
Level II Hydrogeologic Characterization Report: Boyd Creek Proposed Wetland Mitigation Bank
Noyes, Audra M.; Sheffield, Nicolette A.; Pociask, Geoffrey E.

Thumbnail for Short term effects of initial flood disturbance on restoration projects
Short term effects of initial flood disturbance on restoration projects
Lemke, Michael J.; Casper, Andrew F.; Dungey, Keenan E.; Hagy, Heath M.

Thumbnail for Biological and toxicological investigations of Chicago area navigation projects
Biological and toxicological investigations of Chicago area navigation projects
Dorkin, John; Ross, Philippe E.; Henebry, Michael S.; Miller, Jan; Wetzel, Mark