University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Academic Unit
Type of Resource
Showing 1–30 of 1,245 items
Thumbnail for The Community Anchor Institutions of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois Technology Use by Non-Profit and Public Organizations in the Broadband Moment
The Community Anchor Institutions of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois Technology Use by Non-Profit and Public Organizations in the Broadband Moment
Williams, Kate; Bailey, Ron; Booth, Ashley E.; Breck, Julianne L.; Cao, Haixia; Chen, I-Ju; Gant, Jon P.; Graham, Lauren M.; Grant, Lily; Green, Ivy Renee; Griebler, Claire; Hallauer, Afton; Hebel, Jennifer; Holland, Anna; Idoniboye, Opubo T.; Kim, Sunghwan "Sunny"; Kretzer, Lela; Lenstra, Noah; Lin, Yueh-Mei; Liu, Qiyuan; Looby, Mary; Lux, Rachel; McClowry, Colleen; Millsap, Samantha; Newcomer, John; Osisek, Elizabeth; Rosulescu, Andrei; Sackmann, Abigail; Sandberg, Jane; Smeltzer, Mike; Sorgert, Becca; Strillacci, Claire

Thumbnail for Smart wireless control of civil structures
Smart wireless control of civil structures
Linderman, Lauren E.; Spencer, Billie F., Jr.

Thumbnail for The People's Plan for Overcoming the Hurricane Katrina Blues
The People's Plan for Overcoming the Hurricane Katrina Blues
Glass, Tim; Kim, Seongho; Fike, Angela; Egan, Sarah; Ready, Joy; Strate, Shawn; Good, Lauren; Aziz, Zeba

Thumbnail for Layers of advocacy: How librarians everywhere can make a difference and lessons for LIS education
Layers of advocacy: How librarians everywhere can make a difference and lessons for LIS education
Million, Anthony; Stewart, Kristine; Thompson, Kim; Braum, Heather; Wagner, Travis; Adkins, Denice; Smith, Lauren

Thumbnail for An Evaluation of the Illinois  Recreational Access Program  (IRAP)
An Evaluation of the Illinois Recreational Access Program (IRAP)
Miller, Craig A. ; Williams, Brent D. ; Stephens, Lauren J. ; Walberg, Eric M. • 2023

Thumbnail for RDS Campus Annual Report 2021
RDS Campus Annual Report 2021
Imker, Heidi J.; Luong, Hoa

Thumbnail for Partners : College of Agriculture donor update
Partners : College of Agriculture donor update
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. College of Agriculture

Thumbnail for Saving Oklahoma Treasures 2013
Saving Oklahoma Treasures 2013
Oklahoma Cultural Heritage Trust, Oklahoma Department of Libraries

Thumbnail for Technical Note: Augmented Reality Software Kits for Smart Phones
Technical Note: Augmented Reality Software Kits for Smart Phones
Craig, Alan B.; McGrath, Robert E.; Gutierrez, Alejandro

Thumbnail for Veterinary report
Veterinary report
University of Illinois. College of Veterinary Medicine