University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Academic Unit
Type of Resource
Showing 811–840 of 977 items
Thumbnail for Big Rivers area assessment
Big Rivers area assessment
Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Office of Scientific Research and Analysis; Illinois Department of Natural Resources. State Geological Survey Division

Thumbnail for Contemporary American painting and sculpture 1959
Contemporary American painting and sculpture 1959
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. College of Fine and Applied Arts

Thumbnail for Illinois ... football guide. 1991
Illinois ... football guide. 1991
Submitter: Howard Ding

Thumbnail for Staff directory. 1966/67
Staff directory. 1966/67
University of Illinois at Chicago Circle

Thumbnail for Content complexity of nutrition apps
Content complexity of nutrition apps
DiFilippo, Kristen Nicole

Thumbnail for The Community Anchor Institutions of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois Technology Use by Non-Profit and Public Organizations in the Broadband Moment
The Community Anchor Institutions of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois Technology Use by Non-Profit and Public Organizations in the Broadband Moment
Williams, Kate; Bailey, Ron; Booth, Ashley E.; Breck, Julianne L.; Cao, Haixia; Chen, I-Ju; Gant, Jon P.; Graham, Lauren M.; Grant, Lily; Green, Ivy Renee; Griebler, Claire; Hallauer, Afton; Hebel, Jennifer; Holland, Anna; Idoniboye, Opubo T.; Kim, Sunghwan "Sunny"; Kretzer, Lela; Lenstra, Noah; Lin, Yueh-Mei; Liu, Qiyuan; Looby, Mary; Lux, Rachel; McClowry, Colleen; Millsap, Samantha; Newcomer, John; Osisek, Elizabeth; Rosulescu, Andrei; Sackmann, Abigail; Sandberg, Jane; Smeltzer, Mike; Sorgert, Becca; Strillacci, Claire