Automated microwave double resonance spectroscopy: a tool to identify and characterize chemical compounds
Martin-Drumel, Marie-Aline
Automated microwave double resonance spectroscopy: a tool to identify and characterize chemical compounds
Martin-Drumel, Marie-Aline
Crabtree, Kyle N.
McGuire, Brett A.
Patterson, David
McCarthy, Michael C.
Issue Date
Spectroscopy as an analytical tool
Owing to its unparalleled structural specificity, rotational spectroscopy is a powerful technique to unambiguously identify and characterize volatile, polar molecules. We present here a new experimental approach, automated microwave double resonance (AMDOR) spectroscopy, to rapidly determine the rotational constants of these compounds without any \textit{a priori} knowledge of elemental composition or molecular structure. This task is achieved by rapidly acquiring the classical (frequency vs. intensity) broadband spectrum of a molecule using chirped-pulse Fourier transform microwave (FTMW) spectroscopy, and subsequently analyzing it in near-real time using complementary cavity FTMW detection and double resonance. AMDOR measurements provide a unique ``barcode'' for each compound from which rotational constants can be extracted.
To illustrate the power of this approach, AMDOR spectra of three aroma compounds --- \textit{trans}-cinnamaldehyde, $\alpha$- and $\beta$-ionone --- have been recorded and analyzed. The prospects to extend this approach to mixture characterization and purity assessment are described.
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