Development of a Computer Model for Refrigerant Flow in Small Diameter Tubes
Purvis, B.D.
- Title
- Development of a Computer Model for Refrigerant Flow in Small Diameter Tubes
- Author(s)
- Purvis, B.D.
- Contributor(s)
- Dunn, W.E.
- Issue Date
- 1992-11
- Keyword(s)
- capillary-tube model
- Abstract
- This report examines the phenomena of flashing fluid flow in small diameter tubes (on the order of 1 mm). Small diameter tubing is often used as the expansion device in refrigeration systems. Tubing used as a refrigeration system expansion device is referred to as capillary tubing; however, these tubes exhibit no appreciable capillarity behavior. Experimental test have shown capillary-tube flow behaves as any other conduit flow. Emphasis of this study is placed on refrigeration applications to facilitate ~e use of the proposed model for capillary-tube modeling. A review of the literature shows that capillary-tube modeling has changed little over the past 40 years. The two-phase flow models used in the fIrst capillary-tube models were homogeneous models. Homogeneous-flow models are still used almost exclusively today. Experimental evidence shows, however, that the two-phase flow in capillary tubes is not entirely homogeneous. The liquid and vapor phases are substantially removed from equilibrium at the inception of vaporization and near the capillary-tube exit. A model that accounts for the interaction between the liquid and vapor phases is required for accurate modeling. A model is presented that treats the liquid and vapor phases separately. In this way, the effect of phase nonequilibrium can be included in the model. The model is developed so that it will simplify to the homogeneous model as the phases approach equilibrium. Once the model is developed, a discussion is given outlining the application of the model to capillary-tube optimization models, as well as to refrigeration system models.
- Publisher
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center. College of Engineering. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Series/Report Name or Number
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center TR-27
- Type of Resource
- text
- Language
- en
- Permalink
- http://hdl.handle.net/2142/9728
- Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s)
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center Project 21
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