Lost and Afraid in the Library: How Academic Librarians are Conquering Library Anxiety Today
Hardesty, Emily A.
Lost and Afraid in the Library: How Academic Librarians are Conquering Library Anxiety Today
Hardesty, Emily A.
Issue Date
Library and information science
Library anxiety
Date of Ingest
How many times has a library patron apologized for asking a question or seemed too shy to walk up to the reference desk? Both public and academic librarians would say one too many. Too often does a patron’s question go unanswered due to an inherent fear of the library. Whether it is the size of the library, unfamiliarity with the library system, or the fear of appearing ignorant to others, there are many reasons why libraries can instill fear into the hearts of its patrons. Since the 1980s, library anxiety has been a buzzword around libraries across the world, inspiring librarians to conduct research on its definition, possible antecedents, and methods for relief. With this knowledge, academic librarians are currently hard at work assessing anxiety in their own libraries and creating new and inspiring methods to make the library a relaxing place once more.
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