2014-2015 Illinois Waterfowl Hunter Report: Harvest, Youth Hunts, and Season Preferences
Williams, Brent D.; Crain, James M.; Campbell, Linda K.; Miller, Craig A.
2014-2015 Illinois Waterfowl Hunter Report: Harvest, Youth Hunts, and Season Preferences
Williams, Brent D.
Crain, James M.
Campbell, Linda K.
Miller, Craig A.
Issue Date
hunter harvest
season preferences
zone options
hunter commitment
hunter satisfaction
IDNR Division of Wildlife
Geographic Coverage
A total of 2,212(48%response rate) Illinois waterfowl hunters responded to the 2014-15Illinois Waterfowl Hunter Survey. An estimated 50,698waterfowl hunters spent982,193days afield, adecreaseof6.7% from the 1,052,728days devoted during the 2013-2014license year. Waterfowl harvest decreased9.0%, from 605,720 during 2013-14to 550,946 during 2014-15.Duck harvest estimates for the regular duck season were as follows: 197,997mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), 48,216wood ducks (Aix sponsa), and 138,615other ducks. A total of 29,058teal (Anasspp.) were harvested during the September teal season. Goose hunters harvested 87,672Canada geese (Branta canadensis) during the regular Canada goose season, a 16.4% decreasefrom the 104,887Canadageese harvested during the 2013-14regular goose season. Hunters harvested 19,089Canada geese during the September Canada goose season, a 22.0% increasefrom the previous year. During the Youth Waterfowl Hunting Season, 6,405adults took 8,572youths waterfowl hunting, a 24.1% decrease in adult participation and a less than 1.0% decrease in youth participation from the 2013-14Youth Waterfowl Hunting Season.Duck huntercommitment to waterfowl hunting, preferences for season and zones,and satisfaction with the waterfowl seasons are also discussed.
Illinois Natural History Survey
Series/Report Name or Number
Technical Report INHS 2015 (47)
Federal Aid Project W-112-R-8
Human Dimensions Research Program Report HR-15-03
Illinois Waterfowl Hunter Survey
Type of Resource
Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s)
Federal Aid Project Number W-112-R-24
IDNR Division of Wildlife
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Copyright and License Information
This document is a product of the Illinois Natural History Survey, and has been selected and made available by the Illinois Natural History Survey and the University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It is intended solely for noncommercial research and educational use, and proper attribution is requested.
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