Federal Aid Project No. W-49-R-27 (1979-80), STUDY VII: Badger Status Evaluation, Job No.1: Badger population survey, Job No.2: Badger Collections
Hubert, George F., Jr.
Federal Aid Project No. W-49-R-27 (1979-80), STUDY VII: Badger Status Evaluation, Job No.1: Badger population survey, Job No.2: Badger Collections
Hubert, George F., Jr.
Issue Date
population survey
Taxidea taxus
sex data
age data
JOB NO.1: Badger population survey
A mail survey of Conservation Police Officers and District Wildlife Managers employed by the Department of Conservation was conducted from July -September 1979 to determine the present range of the badger (Taxidea taxus) in Illinois and to collect mortality data. Useable replies were obtained from 54 Conservation Officers and 10 District Managers following a single mailing. These responses provided information for 60 of the 102 counties in the state. Based on the present survey and data collected during 1977 and 1978, the badger probably occurs throughout Illinois north of a line extending from Perryville, Missouri, to Vincennes, Indiana, except in isolated areas where habitat is unsuitable. The present distribution represents a southward range extension of at least 128 km (80 mi) during the past 22 years. Most of the recent badger mortalities reported by project personnel were directly related to man. Road-kills were the most important cause of mortality accounting for 39 of 58 (67%) documented badger kills. Non-target trap catches and accidental/intentional shootings accounted for an additional 14 (24%) deaths.
JOB NO.2: Sex and/or age data were obtained from 5 badgers during the reporting period. Of the 5 animals sexed, 3 were females. The 2 specimens aged were both juveniles. One juvenile female collected in late November weighed 5.7 kg.
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