Converging Technologies; Information Systems and Communication Studies:A Story of Separation and Reunion
Sabaghian, Ehsan; Stromer-Galley, Jennifer; Sawyer, Steve
- Title
- Converging Technologies; Information Systems and Communication Studies:A Story of Separation and Reunion
- Author(s)
- Sabaghian, Ehsan
- Stromer-Galley, Jennifer
- Sawyer, Steve
- Issue Date
- 2015-03-15
- Keyword(s)
- communication studies
- history
- theory and philosophy of information
- information systems
- Abstract
- We contrast assumptions of communications theorizing with those underlying information systems to emphasize that the convergence inherent in contemporary ecosystems of digital technologies, online services and the proliferation of information and communication technologies (ICT) are bringing scholars from these two intellectual communities together while challenging their understanding of one-another’s scholarship. It is no wonder that the theory has been claimed and called both “Theory of Information” and at the same time by some, “Theory of Communication” by others. We look at that difference from man perspective and draw the boundary between two communities. We believe the new emerging technologies have brought back both theories a back together; which we label and discuss as a reunion. We bring few examples to support our story. In short, this paper is the story of birth of two fields of studies from one theory, their separation over many decades and recent reunion of them with rise of new digital technologies.
- Publisher
- iSchools
- Series/Report Name or Number
- iConference 2015 Proceedings
- Type of Resource
- text
- Language
- English
- Permalink
- http://hdl.handle.net/2142/73763
- Copyright and License Information
- Copyright 2015 is held by the authors. Copyright permissions, when appropriate, must be obtained directly from the authors.
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