University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Academic Units Office of the CIO Studying Digital Collections and Users Presentations - Studying Digital Collections and Users Evaluating Faculty and Student Use of Digital Resources for Teaching and Learning
Evaluating Faculty and Student Use of Digital Resources for Teaching and Learning
Morgan, Glenda; Dziuban, Charles D.; McMartin, Flora; Morrill, Joshua; Moskal, Patsy; Wolf, Alan
Title Evaluating Faculty and Student Use of Digital Resources for Teaching and Learning Author(s) Morgan, Glenda Dziuban, Charles D. McMartin, Flora Morrill, Joshua Moskal, Patsy Wolf, Alan Issue Date 2013-02-04 Keyword(s) student student technology use digital libraries ambivalent learners free form learners free range learners learning styles Abstract This is a presentation of the rsults of a large study of students in higher education examining their technology and digital resource usage Type of Resource text Language en Permalink Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s) National Science Foundation DUE 1049537 Copyright and License Information Copyright held by auhors , use and reuse allowed under a Creative Commons BY licence. Attribution required
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