The Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) is a joint monitoring program between the United States and Canada. The program's objectives are to determine the status, change, and trends of toxic organics in the Great Lakes. The intent of the network is to measure and evaluate the concentration of toxic pollutants in the atmosphere and their deposition (particles, vapor, and precipitation) at a regional level of detail. The network provides continuous monitoring programs with sampling and analysis year-round. The Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) provides research support to IADN for sample collection, sample analysis, method development, data management, data interpretation, data transfer to other researchers and agencies, and quality assurance. The ISWS measures meteorological and chemical parameters as described in the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPjP) (Gatz et al., 1992). The ISWS is responsible for three U.S. monitoring stations on the Great Lakes and has participated in a comparative sampling program at one Canadian station:
• Eagle Harbor, Ml, on Lake Superior
• Sturgeon Point, near Evans Center, NY, on Lake Erie
• Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, near Empire, Ml, on Lake Michigan
• Point Petre, Canada, on Lake Ontario (Canadian station)
A companion report (Gatz et al., 1994) covers the actual chemical and meteorological data for the project.
Illinois State Water Survey
Series/Report Name or Number
ISWS Miscellaneous Publication MP-162
Type of Resource
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