Harnessing the Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Kolyvas, Emily A.
- Title
- Harnessing the Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells
- Author(s)
- Kolyvas, Emily A.
- Contributor(s)
- Boppart, Marni D.
- Issue Date
- 2014-05
- Keyword(s)
- Stem cell
- Muscle
- Abstract
- Accounting for approximately 40% of total mass and 30% of an individual’s resting metabolic rate, skeletal muscle is vital to the maintenance of health, function and quality of life. Pictured in this image is a cross section of skeletal muscle tissue labeled with fluorescent tags. The image is taken near the vascular niche, showing muscle fibers in conjunction with a blood vessel and nerve. The DAPI (blue) filter labels the nuclei of the muscle fibers. The TRITC (red) filter identifies the outline of the fibers, tagging the α 7 integrin, an adhesion protein found on the cell membrane. TRITC (green) is a label for muscle-derived mesenchymal stem cells found near blood vessels and nerves. Based on data obtained in our lab, these stem cells have the potential to stimulate muscle, vessel and neuronal growth through the release of numerous growth factors. With each of these systems exhibiting age-related deficits that contribute to an overall loss of muscle function, the focus of our lab’s research is investigating the use of muscle-derived stem cells as a therapy to prevent the loss of mass and function observed in skeletal muscle with age. For more information about the Image of Research--Undergraduate Edition go to: http://go.library.illinois.edu/imageofresearch_uredition
- Type of Resource
- text
- image
- Permalink
- http://hdl.handle.net/2142/49129
- Copyright and License Information
- Copyright 2014 Emily A. Kolyvas
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