Marine Biodiversity of South Caicos Island
Boyce, Matthew
- Title
- Marine Biodiversity of South Caicos Island
- Author(s)
- Boyce, Matthew
- Contributor(s)
- Brawn, Jeffrey D.
- Tilley, Alex
- Henderson, Aaron
- Harris, Holden
- Bell, Katie
- Issue Date
- 2014-05
- Keyword(s)
- Integrative Biology
- Marine
- Biodiversity
- Conservation
- Abstract
- I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to conduct research on South Caicos Island in the British West Indies this previous summer. The marine environment supports the South Caicos economy directly and indirectly through fisheries and tourism. The diversity and health coastal and marine ecosystems contribute greatly through the breadth of ecosystem functions they provide. To protect these ecosystems an extensive network of marine protected areas has been established. The School for Field Studies Center for Marine Resource Studies (SFS-CMRS) conducts on-going research in these areas to establish ecological baselines, provide educated advice to the local community and government about the health of the ecosystem, and inform local fisherman about the consequences of exploiting these environments. Specific projects involving the biodiversity of reef-fish, fin-fish, sea turtles, conch, lobster, coral, and seagrass faunal communities are frequently conducted to accomplish this. Thanks are due to the many people who aided in this experience including Dr. Alex Tilley, Dr. Aaron Henderson, Holden Harris, and Katie Bell. Thank you also to Dr. Jeffery Brawn of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for approving this study abroad opportunity. For more information about the Image of Research--Undergraduate Edition go to: http://go.library.illinois.edu/imageofresearch_uredition
- Type of Resource
- text
- image
- Permalink
- http://hdl.handle.net/2142/49122
- Copyright and License Information
- Copyright 2014 Matthew Boyce
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