An Experimental Study of the Effects of Gas Waste Upon Fishes with Especial Reference to Stream Pollution
Shelford, V.E.
An Experimental Study of the Effects of Gas Waste Upon Fishes with Especial Reference to Stream Pollution
Shelford, V.E.
Issue Date
gas waste
stream pollution
coal distillation
The products of destructive distillation of coal include an innumerable series of substances representing most of the important groups of organic compounds ranging from gases to solids. In the manufacture of illuminating gas all these substances are thrown into streams in varying amounts, depending upon the manner of treating by-products. The gases and volatile products are in solution in water used in washing the gas, and are often introduced into waterways. By-products, except the heavy tars, are often thrown away. This is especially true in the case of the smaller plants where the quantity is insufficient to make the further treatment of it profitable. Thus in many plants only the heavy tars are saved, the gas liquor drip from the mains and holders being dumped into waterways without the removal of even ammonia. The immense commercial value these wasted products has been more generally appreciated since the outbreak of the European war, which cut off the large supply of foreign dyes and important organic compounds and increased the demand for such products as may be used in the manufacture of explosives. The value of these wasted products should be sufficient to prevent their wastage, but their injurious effect upon fishes and other life of streams generally is itself sufficient to justify the prohibition of pollution by this means.
Champaign : Illinois Natural History Survey
Series/Report Name or Number
Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin; v. 011, no. 04
Type of Resource
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