Implementing Pavement Management Systems for Local Agencies
Wolters, Angela
Zimmerman, Kathryn
Schattler, Kerrie
Rietgraf, Ashley
Issue Date
pavement management systems
Systematic management of pavements has become increasingly important as
pavements continue to age and deteriorate and funding levels have decreased due to
reduced funding or increased competition for funds. The use of a pavement management
system (PMS) is intended to provide roadway managers with a systematic process for
generating answers to many of their pavement management questions.
Pavement management can be simply defined as the process of maintaining the
pavement infrastructure cost-effectively. The American Public Works Association (APWA)
defines pavement management in the following way (1993):
Pavement management is a systematic method for routinely collecting, storing, and
retrieving the kind of decision-making information needed
to make maximum use of limited maintenance (and construction) dollars.
Pavement management is, in essence, a process that includes a series of steps that
will help the user analyze work plan alternatives. Combined with practical judgment and
local knowledge, the pavement management recommendations can be used to help make
final roadway investment decisions.
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