Campus Safety Measures: Improvement Needed to Increase Effectiveness
Brusha, Jon; Kim, Victoria; Kroll, Melissa; Ross, Heather
- Title
- Campus Safety Measures: Improvement Needed to Increase Effectiveness
- Author(s)
- Brusha, Jon
- Kim, Victoria
- Kroll, Melissa
- Ross, Heather
- Issue Date
- 2012
- Keyword(s)
- campus safety
- saferides
- safewalks
- emergency phones
- police
- Abstract
- The University of Illinois is a large and diverse community. With any community there is always the issue of crime and the safety of the community members. Over the course of this semester we have looked at the many ways that the university tries to accomplish the task of keeping the students and faculty safe while they are on campus. Through the use of services like Safe Rides, Safe Walks, FYCARE, ACE IT, and Crime Alerts, the university attempts to keep campus a safe place for everyone. These services would seem like effective methods at keeping campus safe but there is a huge under-utilization of the programs and services set up. Whether this under-utilization stems from the lack of knowledge on the student’s behalf or poor service from the actual program or service is what we have chosen to take a more in depth look at throughout our research and this essay.
- Series/Report Name or Number
- RHET 105, Spring 2012
- Instructor, Cody Caudill
- Rhetoric 105/Principles of Composition introduces students to the practices of research-based writing for academic audiences, such as formulating a researchable question, locating sources, constructing an argument, drafting, revising, and editing. This course uses writing, reading, observing, and critical thinking to develop scholarly curiosity. To do this, instructors focus on: deepening research skills, developing students’ abilities to read and respond to difficult texts, and, most importantly, helping students through the writing process in a social, collaborative, revision-focused environment. This particular section of Rhetoric 105 was focused around the theme of “Exploring Student Communities at the University of Illinois.” The assignments and discussions asked students to explore their own experiences as students and consider how various student communities shape our campus culture and identities as students. Over the course of the semester students formulated research questions about a particular campus community and answered them by doing semester-long ethnographic research (observations, interviews, archive analysis, and surveys), including a short video presentation. The kinds of writing studies and conducted were formulated around reflections on these communities.
- Type of Resource
- text
- Permalink
- http://hdl.handle.net/2142/33757
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