Zambian Student Teachers' Attitudes Toward Including Students With Disabilities in General Education Classrooms
Muwana, Florence
Zambian Student Teachers' Attitudes Toward Including Students With Disabilities in General Education Classrooms
Muwana, Florence
Issue Date
Director of Research (if dissertation) or Advisor (if thesis)
Ostrosky, Michaelene M.
Doctoral Committee Chair(s)
Ostrosky, Michaelene M.
Committee Member(s)
Gaffney, Janet S.
Greene, Jennifer C.
Monda-Amaya, Lisa E.
Department of Study
Special Education
Special Education
Degree Granting Institution
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Degree Name
Degree Level
Inclusive education
students with disabilities
attitude toward inclusion
Inclusive education has become a global trend in the provision of services for students with disabilities. In Zambia and other developing nations, international initiatives from UNESCO and other nongovernmental organizations have contributed to the consensus that all children have a right to a free and appropriate education and that all students with disabilities should be educated in inclusive settings. Thus, the Zambian government has issued policy statements to guide the implementation of inclusive education. This study surveyed University of Zambia students, examining their attitudes toward inclusion and their perceptions about supports and resource needs for successful implementation of inclusion. Questionnaires were distributed to 497 students at the University of Zambia. Four hundred eighty-four questionnaires were included in the analysis, resulting in a response rate of 97%. Results of the study indicated that, overall, University of Zambia students hold positive attitudes toward inclusion. Several variables were found to be related to students’ attitudes toward inclusion. However, students believed that the implementation of inclusion was hindered by the lack of adequate resources and supports from the government.
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