Equity sensitivity versus equity preference: validating a new viewpoint on equity sensitivity
Jeon, Gahyun
- Title
- Equity sensitivity versus equity preference: validating a new viewpoint on equity sensitivity
- Author(s)
- Jeon, Gahyun
- Issue Date
- 2012-02-06T20:06:47Z
- Director of Research (if dissertation) or Advisor (if thesis)
- Newman, Daniel A.
- Department of Study
- Psychology
- Discipline
- Psychology
- Degree Granting Institution
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Degree Name
- M.A.
- Degree Level
- Thesis
- Keyword(s)
- Equity
- Justice
- Individual Differences
- Sensitivity
- Employee Attitudes
- Organizational Behavior
- Measurement
- Abstract
- Traditional research on equity sensitivity has defined the construct as a preference for increased work rewards and/or a preference for reduced work inputs. In contrast, I here define equity sensitivity as a dispositional tendency to perceive stimuli as fair versus unfair. This new definition does not explicitly involve an individual’s assessment of outcome/input ratios. In Study 1, a content validity analysis of items from the two dominant equity sensitivity measures reveals that the vast majority of items from these measures assess input/reward preferences, rather than a dispositional tendency to perceive things fairly. In Study 2, I develop a Neutral Objects Equity Sensitivity (NOES) measure, which exhibits discriminant validity from past equity sensitivity measures via factor analysis. Study 3 further validates the NOES measure by demonstrating 3-month retest reliability and incremental validity over the classic equity sensitivity measure in predicting justice perceptions, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. In addition, I investigate the hypothesized moderating effect of NOES equity sensitivity, showing that NOES magnifies the relationship between frequency of evaluative work events and justice perceptions. Study 4 replicates the results found in the previous studies and examines the relationship between NOES and various organizational outcomes. Results reveal NOES is the strongest predictor of justice perceptions, whereas the traditional equity preference measures better predict behavioral organizational outcomes such as organizational citizenship behavior and counterproductive work behavior. Finally, equity sensitivity is again shown to moderate/enhance the relationship between evaluative work events and justice perceptions.
- Graduation Semester
- 2011-12
- Permalink
- http://hdl.handle.net/2142/29613
- Copyright and License Information
- Copyright 2011 Gahyun Jeon
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