Our project is focused on the differences between student athletes and “regular” students (those who do not participate in varsity sports) at the University of Illinois. Our observations inform our assumptions that student athletes appear to form a culture unique to themselves, complete with sub-cultures, and separate from that of other students. We chose to interview an academic advisor for student athletes as well as collect surveys from both athletes and non-athlete students. We used the information from the surveys to compare the lifestyles of the general student population with the student athletes in areas like academics, other school activities, and their social lives. We also compared the amount of time the students spend studying and the amount of time athletes spend in practice. We would have liked to compare the differences between the varsity athletes and the club athletes; however we were not able to collect adequate information to do so.
The university offers an extraordinary opportunity to study and document student communities, life, and culture. This collection includes research on the activities, clubs, and durable social networks that comprise sometimes the greater portion of the university experience for students.
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