Nesting ecology of Black-crowned Night-Herons at Lake Calumet Wetlands
Levengood, Jeffrey M.; Marcisz, Walter J.; Klement, Allison M.; Kurcz, Margaret A.
Nesting ecology of Black-crowned Night-Herons at Lake Calumet Wetlands
Levengood, Jeffrey M.
Marcisz, Walter J.
Klement, Allison M.
Kurcz, Margaret A.
Warwick, Charles
Issue Date
Black-crowned Night-Herons
Lake Calumet
Cook County
Nycticorax nycticorax
We examined the nesting ecology of a Blackcrowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) colony located at wetlands associated with Lake Calumet in south Cook County, Illinois,
during the 2002 and 2003 nesting seasons.
This area of southeastern Chicago has been
greatly impacted by heavy industry, solid and
chemical waste disposal, urbanization, and
altered hydrology.
Black-crowned Night-Herons (BCNH)
have nested at five known locations at Lake
Calumet wetlands during 1984–2003. Emergent
cover (giant reed, Phragmites australis)
was of primary importance to this colony for
nesting during that time. Cottonwoods
(Populus deltoides) also were used for nesting
from the late 1980s to mid-1990s.
During 1993–2003 the herons began
arriving at the colony as early as March 10.
During the two years of this study the earliest
indications of nest building and courtship
occurred during the first week in April; the
first pairs and precopulatory displays were
observed during second week of April in both
years. The egg-laying period extended from
April 20 to June 12 in 2002, and from April 16
to May 27/28 in 2003. Hatching occurred
from mid-May to the first few days of July in
2002, and from mid-May to June 19/20 in
2003. Juvenile dispersal in 2002 occurred
from mid-July through late August, and from
early July through mid-August in 2003.
Reproductive parameters in BCNH
nesting at the north end of Indian Ridge Marsh
(IRM), the primary nesting location for this
colony in both years, were typical for this
species. In 2002 the “recruitment” rate
(number of young/nest surviving to 15 days) of
1.74 young/pair was below the threshold of
2.0–2.1 young/nesting pair thought to be
necessary to maintain BCNH populations.
However, recruitment increased to 2.22 young/
pair in 2003, which was among the highest
previously reported. The most important cause
of nest failure was poorly constructed (flat)
nests which allowed the eggs to roll out into
the water. Although some eggs were lost to
gulls and some hatched young were taken by
unknown mammalian or avian predators,
predation was not an important cause of nest
losses at IRM.
Champaign, Ill. : Illinois Natural History Survey
Series/Report Name or Number
Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin; v. 037, no. 03
Type of Resource
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