Analysis in the Heisenberg group: weak s-John domains and the dimensions of graphs of Holder functions
Maki, John M.
Analysis in the Heisenberg group: weak s-John domains and the dimensions of graphs of Holder functions
Maki, John M.
Issue Date
Director of Research (if dissertation) or Advisor (if thesis)
Tyson, Jeremy T.
Doctoral Committee Chair(s)
Wu, Jang-Mei
Committee Member(s)
Tyson, Jeremy T.
D'Angelo, John P.
Merenkov, Sergiy A.
Department of Study
Degree Granting Institution
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Degree Name
Degree Level
Heisenberg group
Poincare domain
s-John domain
weak s-John domain
Carnot groups
Holder graphs
Sobolev graphs
In this thesis, we provide connections between analytic properties in Euclidean R^n and analytic properties in sub-Riemannian Carnot groups. We introduce weak s-John domains, in analogy with weak John domains, and we prove that weak s-John
is equivalent to a localized version. This is applied in showing that a bounded C^{1,alpha}
domain in R^3 will be a weak s-John domain in the first Heisenberg group. This result
is sharp, giving a precise value of s that depends only on alpha. We follow upon this by showing that a weak s-John domain in a general Carnot group will be a (q,p)-Poincare domain for certain p and q that depend only on s and the homogeneous dimension of the Carnot group. The final result gives, in a general Carnot group,
an upper bound on the lower box dimension of the graph of an Euclidean Holder function, with application to the dimension of a Sobolev graph.
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