Conversion Feasibility of the KILnGAS Commercial Module (KCM) to a Hazardous Waste Facility
Nakles, David V.; Spanaus, Daniel D.; Garside, Peter G.; Banks, Robert R.
Conversion Feasibility of the KILnGAS Commercial Module (KCM) to a Hazardous Waste Facility
Nakles, David V.
Spanaus, Daniel D.
Garside, Peter G.
Banks, Robert R.
Issue Date
Hazardous waste treatment facilities -- Illinois
Incinerators -- Illinois -- Evaluation
Hazardous wastes -- Illinois -- Incineration
"This study presents the results of a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of converting an existing kiln facility, the KILnGAS Commercial Module (KCM) in East Alton, lllinois, to a hazardous waste incinerator. The study examined the RCRA and Superfund waste volumes and characteristics as well as the treatment and disposal capacity of the State of Illinois
to identify potential incineration capacity shortfalls. A centerline waste, soils contaminated with PCBs, was selected to provide a reference case to study the facility conversion. A conceptual facility design was developed using the technical and environmental criteria for the selected waste as a design basis. Major process equipment was identified, sized, and priced.
A heat and material balance was developed for a centerline mode of operation to forecast performance. Economics for waste treatment were examined based upon a range of competitive tipping fees and other parameters impacting commercial viability. Finally, tentative conclusions regarding the feasibility of the facility conversion are presented and a ""next step"" action plan is outlined to corroborate the technical, economic, and regulatory assumptions and
to examine design alternatives with the potential for reducing facility costs and/or enhancing its performance or siting potential."
Champaign, IL : Illinois Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center
Series/Report Name or Number
RR Series (Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center) ; 034
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