The relativistic Schrödinger equation and its application to pseudoscalar meson baryon scattering in a broken SU(3) symmetry model
Katz-Masson, Jose
The relativistic Schrödinger equation and its application to pseudoscalar meson baryon scattering in a broken SU(3) symmetry model
Katz-Masson, Jose
Issue Date
Doctoral Committee Chair(s)
Wyld, H.W.
Department of Study
Degree Name
Degree Level
relativistic Schrodinger equation
pseudoscalar meson baryon scattering
broken symmetry model
The problem of pseudosca1ar meson baryon scattering is
discussed within the framework of the relativistic Schrodinger
equation and in the four lowest partia1 waves. The driving force
(potential) is obtained by ca1culating the allowed single particle
exchange processes for which thee~oharged particles have spin less
than or equal to l/2. The on shell potential is obtained using
Feynman's ru1es with coupling constants assumed to be related by
SU(3) , and actual experimental Illasses qre used for; both the exchanged
and incom~ng Or outgoing partie les. The potential is thep. e:/ttP~-
pq1ate~ qff shell and the coupled system of linear integral equations
for the scattering amp1itude is solved numerically, In some of the
cases under consideration the potential is SU(3) that a non-Fredho1m
system of integral equations is obtained. In these cases a cutoff is
introduced to convert them into a Fredholm system which can then be
solved numerically. Phase Shifts are then computed and compared with
experiment. Other techniques of calculating scattering amplitudes
are reviewed and their predictions compared with th0$e obtained by
solving the relativistic Schrodinger equation. Some emphasis is
placed on the Blankenbecker-Sugar equation and its relation t;:o the
relativistic Schrodinger equation, the formal properties of which
are also reviewed, The solutions to the relativistic Schrodinger
equation and the Blankenbec1er-Sugar equation and their dependence
on different ways of extrapolating the potentia1 off shell or introdcing a cutoff are also discus$ed with examples. The mode1 accounts
for most of the experimentally known baryon resonances.
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