A theory of the electrical resistivity of liquid metals
Tefft, Wayne Earl
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A theory of the electrical resistivity of liquid metals
Tefft, Wayne Earl
Issue Date
Doctoral Committee Chair(s)
Bardeen, John
Department of Study
Degree Granting Institution
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Degree Name
Degree Level
electrical resistivity
liquid metals
electron scattering in metals
zero-order wave functions
Bloch functions
short-range disorder parameters
A new technique for the calculation of electron scatter~ng
in metals is proposed and developed. The method is considered
valid both for crystals, at temperatures well above the Debye
temperature, and for liquids, at temperatures well below the
critical point. It is based on the use of ~ero-order wave
functions which closely resemble Bloch functions, with
perturbations depending primarily upon the short~range disorder
parameters ..
Although the method is similar to the one proposed and
developed by GUbanov, there is one important distinction:
the present approach uses zero-order wave functions that
are discontinuous at the primitive cell boundaries. This
allows the inclusion of terms in the scattering matrix element
that were neglected by Gubanov and, furthermore, gives a
straightforward procedure for calculation of all terms in
the matrix element.. The perturbation procedure using dis~
continuous wave functions is justified, not rigorously
perhaps, hut very plausibly.
The quasi-Bloch technique is limited only by the
necessity for the existence of a local structure closely
resembling that of crystals, and, should therefore be valid
for any liquid metal at temperatures well below the critical
point 0 This is in contrast to the pseudopotential method
of Ziman and others$ which is valid only when the effective
electron-ion interaction is smallo The pseudopotential
method is probably val,i<;i also in the very high temperature
region (near the critical pOint), so the two theories may
be considered as cornplementary~ each having its own region
of validity, with very little overlap bet,ween regionso
The perturbation matrix element in the present theory
contains two types of termso One is a contribution due to
long=range disorder, which may be estimated in various wayso
Since this term is dominant in sodium~ its value for other
metals may be obtained from the experimentally determined
resistivity of sodium, and from the assumption that the ratio
o'f the nearest=neighbor distance to the mean free path due
to long-range disorder is the same for all metals 'at their
melting pointso This was Zimanis procedure for estimating
his plasma resistance, and the sarne procedure was used hereo
The second type of term involves a product of the short=
range disorder parameters and various derivatives of the
periodic part of the Bloch functions, integrated over the
cell boundarieso To avoid the need for a computer in the
calculations, the zero-order wave functions were written
as solutions of a three=dimensional Kronig=Penn~y mode19
the strength of the potential being related to the band
gaps in the solidso It eventually became necessary to
approximate these wave functions, so the numerical calculations
were of limited validityo They were intended9 however~
as illustrations of the use of the method and do not exhaust
its potentialitieso
Numerical values of the electron mean free paths were
obtained for the liquid alkali and noble metals at the
melting pointo The calculated values differed from experimental
values by a maximum of ~O percento The agreement
was better than that of any previous calculations and was
considered satisfactory in view of the uncertainties both
in the parameters and in the approximations used in the
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