University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Academic Units Prairie Research Institute Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Publications RR Series - Illinois Sustainable Technology Center A Preliminary Environmental Assessment of the Contamination Associated with Lake Calumet, Cook County, Illinois
A Preliminary Environmental Assessment of the Contamination Associated with Lake Calumet, Cook County, Illinois
Ross, Philippe E.; Henebry, Michael S.; Risatti, James B.; Murphy, Thomas J.; Demissie, Misganaw; Burnett, LouAnn C.
Content Files
Title A Preliminary Environmental Assessment of the Contamination Associated with Lake Calumet, Cook County, Illinois Author(s) Ross, Philippe E. Henebry, Michael S. Risatti, James B. Murphy, Thomas J. Demissie, Misganaw Burnett, LouAnn C. Issue Date 1988 Keyword(s) Hazardous wastes Lake Calumet Water--Pollution Publisher Illinois. Department of Energy and Natural Resources. Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center. Series/Report Name or Number RR Series (Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center) ; 019 Type of Resource text Language en Permalink Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s) NTIS PB88-184825
Owning Collections
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center RR Series