Results of the 2006-2007 Illinois Non-resident Hunter Harvest Survey
Lischka, Stacy A.; Anderson, William L.; Campbell, Linda K.
- Title
- Results of the 2006-2007 Illinois Non-resident Hunter Harvest Survey
- Author(s)
- Lischka, Stacy A.
- Anderson, William L.
- Campbell, Linda K.
- Issue Date
- 2008-04-02
- Keyword(s)
- hunters non-resident
- harvests
- controlled hunting areas
- leased land
- outfitter
- upland game
- deer
- doves
- turkeys
- small game
- INHS Division of Ecology and Conservation Science
- INHS Section for Wildlife and Plant Ecology
- Illinois Department of Natural Resources
- Illinois Natural History Survey
- Science in support of state fish, wildlife and outdoor recreational programs
- Abstract
- A random sample of 2,000 potential non-resident hunters was selected from among purchasers of 2006 Illinois non-resident hunting licenses and habitat stamps. A 6-page questionnaire was successfully mailed to 1,960 of the 2,000 individuals. We received 1,254 returned questionnaires, 1,249 of which were usable, for a 64% response rate. Non-residents purchased 38,900 hunting licenses in Illinois in 2006-2007. Non-residents harvested more doves, deer and gray squirrels than any other game species, though low sample sizes for many species prevented accurate estimation of harvest. Twenty-nine non-resident hunters reported hunting on controlled hunting areas or shooting preserves in Illinois. These hunters most frequently hunted pheasants, quail and Chuckar partridge. Non-residents most commonly used the IDNR website or phone system to purchase their hunting licenses, habitat stamps and permits. Non-resident hunters reported little difficulty accessing hunting land in Illinois. Twenty percent of non-residents leased land to hunt in Illinois and 37% hired an outfitter to access land. One-fifth of respondents had hunted upland game in a state other than Illinois during 2006-2007. Non-residents most commonly hunted upland game in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Missouri. Respondents reported having access to private hunting land as their primary motivation for hunting upland game outside of Illinois.
- Publisher
- Division of Ecology and Conservation Science, Section for Wildlife and Plant Ecology
- Series/Report Name or Number
- Human Dimensions Research Program Report
- Technical Report INHS 2008 (14)
- Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration W-112-R-16
- Non-resident Hunter Survey
- Type of Resource
- text
- Language
- en
- Permalink
- http://hdl.handle.net/2142/18165
- Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s)
- INHS Technical Report prepared for Illinois Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as required by Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act Illinois
- Copyright and License Information
- This document is a product of the Illinois Natural History Survey, and has been selected and made available by the Illinois Natural History Survey and the University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It is intended solely for noncommercial research and educational use, and proper attribution is requested.
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