Efficient Metadata Management for Cloud Computing applications
Verma, Abhishek; Venkataraman, Shivaram
Efficient Metadata Management for Cloud Computing applications
Verma, Abhishek
Venkataraman, Shivaram
Caesar, Matthew
Campbell, Roy H.
Issue Date
Distributed file systems
Cloud computing
Cloud computing applications require a scalable, elastic and fault tolerant storage system. In this paper, we describe how metadata management can be improved for a file system built for large scale data-intensive applications. We imple- ment Ring File System (RFS), that uses a single hop Dis- tributed Hash Table, found in peer-to-peer systems, to man- age its metadata and a traditional client server model for managing the actual data. Our solution does not have a single point of failure, since the metadata is replicated and the num- ber of files that can be stored and the throughput of meta- data operations scales linearly with the number of servers. We compare against two open source implementations of Google File System (GFS): HDFS and KFS and show that our prototype performs better in terms of fault tolerance, scalability and throughput.
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