Joint Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Connections subjected to Seismic Lateral Loading
Kim, Jaehong; LaFave, James M.
- Title
- Joint Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Connections subjected to Seismic Lateral Loading
- Author(s)
- Kim, Jaehong
- LaFave, James M.
- Issue Date
- 2009-11
- Keyword(s)
- reinforced concrete connections
- joint shear failure
- experimental database
- earthquake loading
- Bayesian parameter estimation
- structural behavior prediction models
- Abstract
- Beam-column connections have been identified as potentially one of the weaker components of reinforced concrete moment resisting frames subjected to seismic lateral loading. Well-established knowledge of RC joint shear behavior is necessary because severe damage within a joint panel may trigger deterioration of the overall performance of RC beam-column connections or frames. However, despite the importance of understanding RC joint shear behavior, a consensus on the ways in which some parameters affect joint shear strength has not been reached. In addition, there has generally been no accepted behavior model for RC joint shear stress vs. joint shear strain. Therefore, in this research a more systematic understanding of RC joint shear behavior has been achieved by completing the following tasks: construction of an extensive experimental database, characterization of RC joint shear behavior, and development of RC joint shear strength models and proposed joint shear behavior models. An extensive experimental RC beam-column connection database (of 341 subassemblies in total) was constructed and classified by governing failure mode sequence, in-plane geometry, outof- plane geometry, and joint eccentricity. All included subassemblies were made at a minimum of one-third scale, and all used conventional types of reinforcement anchorages. RC joint shear behavior was described as an envelope curve by connecting key points displaying the most distinctive stiffness changes. The first point indicates initiation of diagonal cracking within a joint panel, the second point results from yielding of reinforcement, and the third point corresponds to maximum response. An RC joint shear strength model was then developed using the experimental database in conjunction with the Bayesian parameter estimation method. A simple and unified joint shear deformation model (at maximum response) was also developed, following the same procedure used to develop the simple and unified joint shear strength model. Full RC joint shear behavior models were constructed by employing the Bayesian method at each key point and also by adjusting the simple and unified joint shear strength and deformation models for maximum response. Finally, the Parra-Montesinos and Wight model was modified to improve its reliability by updating the key relation between principal strain ratio and joint shear deformation.
- Publisher
- Newmark Structural Engineering Laboratory. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Series/Report Name or Number
- Newmark Structural Engineering Laboratory Report Series 020
- 1940-9826
- Type of Resource
- text
- Language
- en
- Permalink
- http://hdl.handle.net/2142/14281
- Copyright and License Information
- Copyright held by the authors. All rights reserved.
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Newmark Structural Laboratory Report Series (NSEL Report Series ISSN 1940-9826) PRIMARY
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