Approximate Techniques for Predicting Size Effects on the Cleavage Fracture Toughness (Jc)
Kirk, M.T.; Dodds, Robert H., Jr.
- Title
- Approximate Techniques for Predicting Size Effects on the Cleavage Fracture Toughness (Jc)
- Author(s)
- Kirk, M.T.
- Dodds, Robert H., Jr.
- Issue Date
- 1992-12
- Keyword(s)
- Fracture mechanics
- finite elements
- Micromechanics
- Fracture toughness
- Abstract
- "This investigation examines the ability of an elastic T -stress analysis coupled with a modified boundary layer (MBL) solution to predict stresses ahead of a crack tip in a variety of planar geometries. The approximate stresses are used as input to estimate the effective driving force for cleavage fracture (Jo ) using the micromechanically based approached introduced by Dodds and Anderson. Finite element analyses for a wide variety of planar cracked geometries are conducted which have elastic biaxiality parameters (B) ranging from -0.99 (very low constraint) to +2.96 (very high constraint). The magnitude and sign of B indicate the rate at which crack-tip constraint changes with increasing applied load. All results pertain to a moderately strain hardening hardening material (strain hardening exponent(n) of 10). These analyses suggest that B is an effective indicator of both the accuracy of T-MBL estimates of Jo and of applicability limits on evolving fracture analysis methodologies (i.e. T-MBL, J-Q, and J/Jo ). Specifically, when lBl >0.4 these analyses show that the T -MBL approximation of Jo is accurate to within 20% of a detailed finite-element analysis. As ""structural type"" configurations, i.e. shallow cracks in tension, generally have lBl > 0.4, it appears that only an elastic analysis may be needed to determine reasonably accurate Jo values for structural conditions."
- Publisher
- University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station. College of Engineering. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Series/Report Name or Number
- Civil Engineering Studies SRS-575
- Type of Resource
- text
- Language
- en
- Permalink
- http://hdl.handle.net/2142/14192
- Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s)
- Annapolis Detatchment, Darderock Division. Naval Surface Warfare Center Code 2814
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. Division of Engineering.
- Contract No. N61533-90-K-0059
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