Static and Dynamic Load Deflection Tests of Steel Structures
Howland, F.L.; Egger, W.; Mayerjak, R.J.; Munz, R.J.
- Title
- Static and Dynamic Load Deflection Tests of Steel Structures
- Author(s)
- Howland, F.L.
- Egger, W.
- Mayerjak, R.J.
- Munz, R.J.
- Contributor(s)
- Newmark, N.M.
- Issue Date
- 1955-02
- Keyword(s)
- Steel -- Testing
- Load deflection
- Abstract
- The results of four phases of a study of the resistance of structural steel frames and frame components are described in this report. Three of the phases, the study of full-scale beam-columns laterally loaded in a principal direction, the model frame study, and the study of obliquely loaded full-scale beam-columns, are concerned with the investigation of static resistance. The fourth phase is concerned with the nature of dynamic resistance of beams. The purpose of this program is to obtain the structural parameters necessary to define the resistance of buildings and building components to blast loading. The static resistances, as measured in tests of the beam-columns and frames, are compared with the resistances predicted using the elasto-plastic theory and an extension of this theory to include the effect of strain hardening. In all studies described the influence of constant axial loads is discussed and techniques for including this effect in the analysis are presented except for the case of the oblique loading study. The last section of this report describes the results of a dynamic test of a simply-supported beam and the analytical studies undertaken in conjunction with this test. A criterion for determining the dynamic yield stress, based on available information on the delay time for yielding, is described and applied to the data obtained in the test. Two possible forms for the dynamic resistance of the beam after yielding are discussed and a comparison of the measured response with the response predicted assuming these forms of the resistance is made.
- Publisher
- University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station. College of Engineering. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Series/Report Name or Number
- Civil Engineering Studies SRS-092
- Type of Resource
- text
- Language
- en
- Permalink
- http://hdl.handle.net/2142/13981
- Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s)
- Wright Air Force Development Center. United States Air Force.
- Contract No. AF 33(616)-170
- Expenditure Order No. R 449-37 AW-7
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