University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Academic Units Grainger College of Engineering Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering Studies Civil Engineering Studies: Structural Research Series A Suggested Program of Tests for the Development of Criteria for the Structural Design of Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts
A Suggested Program of Tests for the Development of Criteria for the Structural Design of Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts
Siess, C.P.
Title A Suggested Program of Tests for the Development of Criteria for the Structural Design of Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts Author(s) Siess, C.P. Issue Date 1954-06 Keyword(s) Reinforced concrete Culverts Date of Ingest 2009-10-13T14:38:59Z Publisher University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station. College of Engineering. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Series/Report Name or Number Civil Engineering Studies SRS-077 Type of Resource text Genre of Resource Technical Report Language en Permalink Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s) Ohio River Division Laboratories Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. Contract DA-33-017-eng-222, Stage 5
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