University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

'Oknoma Nikan Tinemih': Improving Inclusive Access to the Indigenous Studies Collections at the Newberry Library

Hansen, Will; López, Analú María

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Owning Collections

Library Trends 72 (1) August 2023: Indigenous Librarianship [Restricted Access] PRIMARY
This special issue of Library Trends presents a glimpse into the current state of Indigenous librarianship. In the composition of this issue the editors followed an unconventional approach of soliciting articles. Instead of issuing a traditional call for papers, they reached out to individuals and institutions that were already stewarding Indigenous collections in a culturally respectful manner. This method of sourcing allowed the editors to provide the readers with insights into the current state of the field and to invite emerging scholars to share their perspectives. At the same time, it limited the range of experiences that the editors were able to explore. Additionally, availability for authoring was limited in part because publishing is not often incentivized for librarians. Thus, the issue serves as a collection of field reports featuring certain major trends occurring in Indigenous librarianship in North America.