Illinois Waterfowl Surveys and Investigations W-43-R-70
Fournier, Auriel M.V.; Bradshaw, Therin M.; Gilbert, Andrew D.; Kross, Chelsea S.; Osborn, Joshua M.; Cremer, Chad; Pietrunti, Nicole; Ward, Michael P.
Illinois Waterfowl Surveys and Investigations W-43-R-70
Fournier, Auriel M.V.
Bradshaw, Therin M.
Gilbert, Andrew D.
Kross, Chelsea S.
Osborn, Joshua M.
Cremer, Chad
Pietrunti, Nicole
Ward, Michael P.
Issue Date
diving ducks
Date of Ingest
Geographic Coverage
The Illinois and Mississippi river valleys are major migration and wintering areas for nearly 30
species of waterfowl in the Mississippi Flyway. Additionally, these regions provide significant
recreational opportunities (e.g., hunting and bird watching). Data from aerial inventories are used to direct waterfowl management, habitat acquisition, ecological research, and for public outreach. There are many important private, state, and federal waterfowl areas and refuges within these river floodplains, such as the Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), the Illinois River National Wildlife and Fish
Refuges, and Keokuk Pool. The Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS), with support from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Fund through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), has conducted aerial inventories of waterfowl along the Illinois and Mississippi rivers since 1948 (flown each year but 2001). This undertaking represents the longest known inventory of waterfowl, preceding even the USFWS breeding waterfowl counts and mid-winter inventories established in 1955. Therefore, 74 years of data exist on autumn-migrating waterfowl for these critical ecoregions, collected by only 5 observers. Aaron Yetter, our observer since 2005, retired in spring 2021 and Joshua Osborn replaced Yetter as the 5th observer of the survey during spring 2021.
Illinois Natural History Survey
Series/Report Name or Number
INHS Technical Report 2023 (44)
Type of Resource
Genre of Resource
Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s)
Illinois Waterfowl Surveys and Investigations W-43-R-70
Copyright and License Information
This document is a product of the Illinois Natural History Survey, and has been selected and made available by the Illinois Natural History Survey and the University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It is intended solely for noncommercial research and educational use, and proper attribution is requested.
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