Bird-aircraft coll lslons cost the United States Air Force
mlll Ions of dollars annually and are l lkely to Increase because there
Is Increasing emphasis on low-level fl lghts where bird hazards are
especially· severe. Larkin proposed In 1982 that Next Generation
Weather Radar be used to provide a real-time warning to aircraft of
hazardous concentrations of birds; funding for this research commenced September 15, 1984. In the first year of this project, Quine and
Larkin have Identified a number of factors which can be used to
discriminate birds from weather on NEXRAD prototype radars and have Integrated these factors Into a pref lmlnary waterfowl recognition
Illinois Natural History Survey
Series/Report Name or Number
Glen Sanderson Collection no. 2767
Type of Resource
Genre of Resource
technical report
Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s)
U.S. Air Force, AFESC/DEVN (U.S. Air Force) Contract FO8637-84-C0062
Copyright and License Information
This document is a product of the Illinois Natural History Survey, and has been selected and made available by the Illinois Natural History Survey and the University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It is intended solely for noncommercial research and educational use, and proper attribution is requested.
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