Highlights of the Illinois Gypsy Moth Education Program
Submitter: Susan Braxton
Highlights of the Illinois Gypsy Moth Education Program
Issue Date
Lymantria dispar
Citizen education
Insect pest management
Spongy moth
The Illinois Gypsy Moth Research and Education Program was initiated October 4, 1982 at the request of Governor James R. Thompson.
One of the initial project goals was the development of a high-quality educational program on the gypsy moth for the citizens of Illinois.
The concepts used in developing the educational portion of the Gypsy Moth Program were based on previous experiences reported by eastern states. Without question, the greatest flaw in gypsy moth control programs in the eastern states was the lack of public understanding of the gypsy moth and the control strategies used against it. In Illinois, we hope to avoid this problem through a varied and comprehensive educational program designed specifically for the people of Illinois.
Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, State Natural History Survey Division
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