Condensate Retention Effects on the Air-Side Heat Transfer Performance of Plain and Wavy-Louvered Heat Exchangers
Yin, J.; Jacobi, A.M.
Condensate Retention Effects on the Air-Side Heat Transfer Performance of Plain and Wavy-Louvered Heat Exchangers
Yin, J.
Jacobi, A.M.
Issue Date
air-side heat transfer
The effect of condensation on air-side heat transfer performance has been studied
for plain-fin-and-tube and wavy-louvered heat exchangers with fin spacings of 2.12, 1.57,
and 1.27 mm. Wet and dry heat exchanger experiments have been conducted to obtain
sensible heat transfer, pressure drop, and condensate retention data to help understand the
effects of retained condensate on heat exchanger performance. Condensate retention
behavior was characterized by measurements of the real-time and steady-state mass of
retained condensate. Sensible j and friction factor correlations have been developed using
dimensional analysis and the experimental data for the heat exchangers under wet and dry
conditions. A condensate retention model has been developed to help predict the quantity
of retained condensate on plain-fin-and-tube heat exchangers based on geometry, contact
angles, and orientation.
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center. College of Engineering. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
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