Walberg, Eric M.; Stephens, Lauren J.; Miller, Craig A.
2019-2020 Illinois Hunter Harvest Report
Walberg, Eric M.
Stephens, Lauren J.
Miller, Craig A.
Issue Date
hunting activity
wildlife harvest
wildlife disease
Geographic Coverage
A random sample of 5,000 hunters was selected from adult 2019 Illinois resident Habitat Stamp and hunting license holders. Selected individuals were mailed an 8-page self-administered questionnaire designed to query hunters about their hunting activities and harvest in Illinois. We received 2,406 questionnaires, 2,198 of which were usable, for a 45% response rate. Illinois resident license sales decreased 3% from 2018-19 (250,007) to 242,704 for the 2019-20 seasons. Total days afield decreased for rabbit, quail, pheasant, dove, woodcock, crow, groundhog, raccoon, red fox, and gray fox. Harvest increased for 9 game species (wild quail, crow, gray squirrel, fox squirrel, turkey, deer, gray fox, coyote, and opossum) from 2018-19. Hunters were also asked questions regarding hunting activity and harvest in Illinois, satisfaction with small game hunting, and perceived effects of Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) and Blue Tongue Virus (BTV) on deer hunting. Estimates of wild quail and pheasant harvested beginning during 2011-12 were calculated differently than previous estimates to include harvest of captive-raised birds distinct from wild birds, so comparisons across years are to be made with caution.
Illinois Natural History Survey
Series/Report Name or Number
Technical Report INHS 2020 (26)
Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration W-112-R-29
Type of Resource
Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s)
Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife
Copyright and License Information
This document is a product of the Illinois Natural History Survey, and has been selected and made available by the Illinois Natural History Survey and the University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It is intended solely for noncommercial research and educational use, and proper attribution is requested.
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