[Abbott Power Plant hosts research project to advance the science of carbon capture and reduce greenhouse gases]
Submitter: Laura Barnes
[Abbott Power Plant hosts research project to advance the science of carbon capture and reduce greenhouse gases]
Issue Date
Carbon capture and storage -- Illinois
Geographic Coverage
Champaign, IL
With funding from the U.S. Department of Energy/NETL, the project’s prime contractor Linde is leading the charge to test three technologies to
see which are most effective at reducing aerosol particle concentrations in flue gas. That will in turn reduce the amount of amine solvent lost
when capturing carbon. Losing less solvent lowers costs and makes it more economically feasible to roll out carbon capture technology on
a wider scale. Cost is one of the greatest barriers to greenhouse gas reduction.
Champaign, IL : Abbott Power Plant, University of Illinois Facilities & Services
Series/Report Name or Number
Large Pilot Scale Testing of Linde/BASF Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Technology
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