Machine Learning Techniques for Code Generation and Optimization
Li, Xiaoming
- Title
- Machine Learning Techniques for Code Generation and Optimization
- Author(s)
- Li, Xiaoming
- Issue Date
- 2006-08
- Keyword(s)
- machine learning
- Abstract
- "The growing complexity of modern processors has made the generation of highly efficient code increasingly difficult. Manual code generation is very time consuming, but it is often the only choice since the code generated by today's compiler technology often has much lower performance than the best hand-tuned codes. A promising code generation strategy, implemented by systems like ATLAS, FFTW, and SPIRAL, uses empirical search to find the parameter values of the implementation, such as the tile size and instruction schedules, that deliver near-optimal performance for a particular machine. However, this approach has only proven successful on scientific codes whose performance does not depend on the input data. In this thesis we study machine learning techniques that extend empirical search to the generation of algorithms whose performance depends on both the input characteristics and the architecture of the target machine. More specially, we target our study on sorting and recursive matrix-matrix multiplication, which are two fundamental algorithm problems. We observe that various sorting algorithms perform differently depending on input characteristics. We first study if it is possible to predict and select the best sorting algorithm for a specific input. We develop a machine-learning based technique to find the mapping from architectural features and input characteristics to the selection of best algorithm. The mapping is used at runtime to make selection of sorting algorithms. Experiments show that our approach always predict the best sorting algorithm and the runtime overhead due to the selection is below 5\%. Built the first study that selects a ""pure"" sorting algorithm at the outset of the computation as a function of the input characteristics, we develop algorithms and a classifier system to build hierarchically-organized hybrid sorting algorithms capable of adapting to the input data. Our results show that such algorithms generated using the approach presented in this thesis are quite effective at taking into account the complex interactions between architectural and input data characteristics and that the resulting code performs significantly better than conventional sorting implementations and the code generated by our earlier study. In particular, the routines generated using our approach perform better than all the commercial libraries that we tried including IBM ESSL, INTEL MKL and the C++ STL. We follow a similar approach and use a classifier learning system to generate high performance libraries for matrix-matrix multiplication. Our library generator produces matrix multiplication routines that use recursive layouts and several levels of tiling. Our approach is to use a classifier learning system to search in the space of the different ways to partition the input matrices the one that performs the best. As a result, our system will determine the number of levels of tiling and tile size for each level depending on the target platform and the dimensions of the input matrices."
- Type of Resource
- text
- Permalink
- http://hdl.handle.net/2142/11228
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