Algebraic Semantics of OCL-constrained Metamodel Specifications
Boronat, Artur; Meseguer, José
Algebraic Semantics of OCL-constrained Metamodel Specifications
Boronat, Artur
Meseguer, José
Issue Date
Computer Science
In the denition of domain-specic languages a MOF metamodel is used to dene the main types of its abstract syntax, and OCL invariants are used to add semantic constraints. The semantics of a metamodel denition can be given as a model type whose values are well-formed models. A model is said to conform to its metamodel when it is a value of the corresponding model type. However, when OCL invariants are involved, the concept of model conformance has not yet been formally dened in the MOF standard. In this work, the concept of OCL-constrained metamodel conformance is formally dened and used for dening style-preserving software architecture congurations. This concept is supported in MOMENT2, an algebraic framework for MOF metamodeling, where OCL constraints can be used for both static and dynamic analysis.
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