Design and Construction of a Microchannel Condenser Tube Experimental Facility
Luhrs, D.A.
- Title
- Design and Construction of a Microchannel Condenser Tube Experimental Facility
- Author(s)
- Luhrs, D.A.
- Contributor(s)
- Dunn, W.E.
- Issue Date
- 1994-07
- Keyword(s)
- parallel flow
- microchannel condensers
- Abstract
- A test facility was built for the purpose of performing heat transfer studies on microchannel heat exchangers. The studies will involve condensation of refrigerant 134a inside the enhanced tubes,' although no condensation results are presented in this document. The design and construction of the experimental facility is detailed with a description of each component and its function in the stand. The operation of the facility was verified using an energy balance analysis and the results are presented. The refrigerant and air side heat transfers agree within ±3% at high air flow rates but fall out of this error bound at lower flow rates. Also, a discussion of the method for determining the refrigerant and air side resistances for the tube is given along with the theory for future correlation development. Finally, future modifications to the stand are suggested in order to correct any problems with it , improving the ability of the stand to produce accurate, reliable heat transfer performance data.
- Publisher
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center. College of Engineering. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Series/Report Name or Number
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center TR-65
- Type of Resource
- text
- Language
- en
- Permalink
- http://hdl.handle.net/2142/10768
- Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s)
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center Project 25
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