High-resolution numerical investigation of hydrodynamics and sediment transport within emergent vegetation canopy
Ranjan, Pallav
High-resolution numerical investigation of hydrodynamics and sediment transport within emergent vegetation canopy
Ranjan, Pallav
Issue Date
Director of Research (if dissertation) or Advisor (if thesis)
Tinoco Lopez, Rafael Omar
Department of Study
Civil & Environmental Eng
Civil Engineering
Degree Granting Institution
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Degree Name
Degree Level
Suspended Sediment Transport
High-Resolution Large Eddy Simulation
High resolution Large Eddy Simulations of flow through staggered rigid emergent vegetation patch were performed using a spectral-element based solver, Nek5000. The staggered pattern of vegetation was similar to experiments conducted on the Odell-Kovasznay racetrack flume where a 5 cm gap was created within the vegetation patch to measure flow velocity using a 3D PIV setup. The main objective of this study was to investigate if flow conditions in the gap are representative of that within the array of vegetation. Flow characteristics such as time averaged velocity, turbulent kinetic energy, bed shear stress and turbulence intensity were investigated for increasing Reynolds number of the flow, and it was found that experimental measurements within the gap would be non-representative of flow conditions within the array. Further, a suspended sediment transport model was developed in Nek5000 and was used to simulate suspended sediment transport within a patch of emergent rigid vegetation. The results were found to be in good agreement with the theory, making it probably one of the first successful attempts at high resolution LES of suspended sediment transport through vegetation canopy.
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